Dr. Frédéric Amant
“Breast cancer treatment during pregnancy is possible, and providing standard treatment is followed, maternal prognosis is as good as in non-pregnant women.”
A leading figure in the field of cancer and pregnancy research, Dr. Amant is a Professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the KatholiekeUniversiteit Leuven, Belgium, and works as a specialist in Gynecologic Oncology at the academic hospital UZ Gasthuisberg, Leuven. He leads a task force researching cancer in pregnancy and is the principal investigator in the Cancer in Pregnancy study. As part of an international expert panel, Amant meets colleagues from around the world at five-year intervals to discuss the diagnosis and management of cancer in pregnancy. The panel draws on its own professional experience and reviews relevant literature to provide guidance for clinicians on diagnosis, staging, and treatment.
Browse through the list of publications, including articles in Articles in internationally reviewed academic journals:
Read more about Professor Frédéric Amant in the media:
- https://www.pregnancyandmedicine.org/2015/04/an-interdisciplinary-approach-to-cancer.html
- https://www.cancerworld.org/Articles/Issues/67/July-August-2015/Cover-Story/726/Frederic-Amant-building-the-evidence-base-for-saving-mother-and-child.html
- https://www.news-medical.net/news/20140929/Chemotherapy-radiotherapy-have-no-negative-effect-on-unborn-babies.aspx
- https://www.pregnantwithcancer.org/news_details.php?NewsID=53